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  • EmcoMail

Want To Go Easy On The Planet? Try Digital Printing And Data-Driven Direct Mail.

Paper is one of the most recycled and recyclable materials on the planet, and today’s inks are environmentally friendly. But working with EMCO goes a lot farther to ensure a sustainable and renewable print process for our customers.

Digital printing is a step ahead.

We specialize in digital printing, which is generally more efficient than traditional printing methods. And efficiency means a purposeful use of resources—no more and no less than we need to get the project done right.

  • We use the right size paper for every job. There is no trim, which means no paper waste.

  • Digital presses use fewer toxic chemicals than traditional presses and their CO2 emissions are lower.

  • There is no need for make-ready with the precision of digital printing. Traditional printing methods use extra paper at the beginning of each run to ensure the press is warmed up and running properly.

  • Fewer paper proofs are needed. Most file review is accomplished digitally, saving paper, ink, and time. If special finishing or pagination is important, your printer may recommend a paper proof —you don’t want to miss any details!

Targeted direct mail keeps waste low.

EMCO was founded as a commercial mail house 30 years ago, and we have since added digital printing capabilities to become a one-stop-shop. However, we have continued to focus on adding efficiency and decreasing waste in the mail stream, helping our customers target and appeal to their customers using data-driven personalization and targeted messaging. We can even use public records to target your ideal list!

We focus on getting you the cleanest mailing list possible. Our services help minimize waste when sending materials to the same address twice or targeting outside of an ideal zip code radius. They include:

  • Data Management Services

  • List Acquisition

  • Mail Merges

  • Address De-Duplication

  • Verification

  • Change of Address

Customized mailers get opened more often.

Research continues to show that consumers value personalization. While data-driven mailing lists ensure the right pieces get to the right places, we increase open rates through inexpensive customization that hooks each unique recipient.

Our tools and techniques are endless:

  • Custom-printed or color envelopes.

  • Unique messaging based on demographics, psychographics, buying history, and more

  • Paper choices that reflect the message (luxury v. eco-friendly v. economical)

Don’t forget to think digital print and mail for efficient marketing that saves time, money, and the environment. We’ve got your back—and the planet’s too.

Make it personal with EMCO Mail + Print. Call or click today to reach new customers right away.

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